Vintage Car Connection

CARavans, Cruising and Shows!

Archive for the month “June, 2012”

Monie Blog

When Gus told me he was on the production team for a collector car auction I insisted he get me a ticket.  Seeing classic cars is like traveling back in time. I picture the families that use to own it, the conversations that took place, the adventures, the everyday moments like going to the grocery store. It takes me back to a time I only see in movies, a time when life was simple.

All the cars were so unique from each other with amazing details. I decided to photograph what makes each car special.

Decades later we call these cars a work of art.

When I saw this black Chevy I was taken back to my childhood. My dad use to have one and he loved it. I remember when a random man came to our door and offered him cash for it. I can recall the look of…

View original post 133 more words

Canoe Communications

It’s Thursday evening at the courthouse square in Crown Point, Indiana, and the summer long classic car show has begun.  It starts at 4 p.m. and goes on all night.  The parking spaces around the square are filling up with Cougar, Chevrolet, Corvette, Mustang, and Roadster automobiles to name a few.  There are cars from the 1940s to muscle cars.  It’s a lot of fun.  The cars are in mint condition.

A hot road owner told me that there may be as many as 100 vintage cars filling the square.   They understand the attraction to the classic cars and they enjoy talking about the work they have put into them.

Drivers do a slow ride around the square to see the cars that are here tonight.  Some of the people, like me,  walk around the square to get a closer look.

Father’s Day is this Sunday.  If you are searching for a gift for dad…

View original post 59 more words

Chronicling America – Horseless Carriages and Ford’s Model T

Source:  Library of Congress –

The information and sample article links below provide access to a sampling of articles from historic newspapers that can be found in the Chronicling America: American Historic Newspapers digital collection ( Use the Suggested Search Terms and Dates to explore this topic further in Chronicling America.

Jump to: Sample Articles

Important Dates:

  • November 28, 1895. Gas-powered Duryea automobile wins the Times-Herald race in Chicago.
  • 1896 American gasoline powered “motocycles” manufactured by the Duryea brothers.
  • February 1902. Miss Anne French, Washington’s first woman driver.
  • February, 1904. Automobile rivals the drawing room for romance.
  • June 23, 1909. New 1909 Ford Model T crosses finish line first in New York to Seattle automobile race.
  • 1909-1927. Ford Motor Co. begins to mass produce its Model T, a reliable and inexpensive automobile.

Suggested Search Strategies:

  • [Try the following terms in combination, proximity, or as                 phrases using Search                   Pages in Chronicling America.]
  • Horseless       carriage, automobile, motor trucks, horseless vehicle, Ford Model T,       motocycle.
  • It       is important to use a specific date range if looking for articles for a       particular event in order to narrow your results.

Sample Articles  from Chronicling America:

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