Vintage Car Connection

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Archive for the month “December, 2012”

Brass Horses in Seal Cove, Maine

Emily Carter ~ Nature as Art


A hidden secret on Mount Desert Island in Maine is a fantastic antique auto museum that holds some of the most beautiful and artistic brass horses in automobile history. Instead of four legs, these four-wheeled vehicles are true works of art. With brilliant brass fixtures and elaborate passenger cabins, each one of these beauties have a story to tell.

Located on the “quiet” side of the island in Seal Cove is the Seal Cove Auto Museum that was created from the private collection of Richard C. Paine, Jr.  The collection contains over 100 Brass Era cars that were built in the early 1900’s.

Paine was a private man whose quiet demeanor was disarming as the collection he created is exceptional. After his passing in 2008, it was his instruction to auction a part of his collection to create a foundation to maintain the collection for all to enjoy. The results of…

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